Explain the importance of osmosis in living organisms?

Question: Explain the importance of osmosis in living organisms?

Osmosis is vital for living organisms as it regulates the movement of water across cell membranes. Here’s how:

Cell Hydration: Osmosis helps maintain the right balance of water inside and outside cells, keeping them hydrated and functional.

Nutrient Absorption: In plants, osmosis aids in the absorption of water and nutrients from the soil through roots.

Waste Removal: It assists in removing waste products from cells, helping to maintain cellular health.

Turgor Pressure: In plants, osmosis maintains turgor pressure, which keeps cells rigid and supports the plant structure.

Homeostasis: Overall, osmosis helps in maintaining the internal balance of fluids and electrolytes in organisms, essential for proper functioning.

It’s like nature’s way of balancing the scales, ensuring everything runs smoothly.


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