Explain how the rattrap symbolises the dual aspects of human nature.

Question: Explain how the rattrap symbolises the dual aspects of human nature.

In Selma Lagerlöf's story "The Rattrap," the rattrap symbolizes the dual aspects of human nature by illustrating both the susceptibility to temptation and the potential for redemption. The protagonist, a peddler, views the world as a giant rattrap that lures people in with material desires and false promises, representing the negative side of human nature characterized by greed and deception. However, the story also highlights the transformative power of kindness and empathy, as the peddler experiences compassion from Edla Willmansson, leading him to realize his own capacity for goodness. This duality captures the complexity of human nature, showing how individuals can be tempted by their baser instincts yet also possess the ability for profound moral growth and change.


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