How is the iris proctoring tool activated on the day of the examination?

Question: How is the iris proctoring tool activated on the day of the examination?

The IRIS proctoring tool is typically activated on the day of the examination through the following steps:

1. Log in to the Exam Platform: Students need to log in to the designated exam portal using their credentials.

2. Locate the Exam: Once logged in, they select the specific exam they are scheduled to take.

3. Identity Verification: The tool may require identity verification, such as taking a photo of the student and their ID, and performing a room scan using the webcam.

4. Grant Permissions: Students must allow access to their webcam, microphone, and screen for monitoring purposes.

5. Start the Proctoring Session: After completing the setup, the proctoring session begins, and the exam can be started.

These steps ensure the integrity of the examination process. 


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