How long do you have to wait between Covid vaccines?

How long do you have to wait between Covid vaccines?

Question: How long do you have to wait between Covid vaccines?

Corona has spread as a dangerous disease all over the world. Every effort should be made to protect it, to avoid this, we use masks. Maintain 2 yards distance from people. The rule of not going to public place etc. should be followed. Many people do not have an estimate of the timing of the corona vaccine. So we tell about the time for today.

A. America (USA): There are 2 types of corona vaccines in America and there are two shots.

1. Pfizer-bioNtech Covid-19 vaccine, get your second shot 21days (or 3 weeks) after your first

2. Moderns Covid-19 vaccine, Get your second shot 28 days (or 4 weeks) after your first.

B. India: There are vaccines of many companies of Corona in India, so we shouldn't take the vaccine of the same company. The first shot is 4 to 6 weeks ( or 28 to 42 days) between the second shot.

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