why was the surprise a shame for the carpenter?

why was the surprise a shame for the carpenter?

Question: why was the surprise a shame for the carpenter?

The carpenter was by then astounded and embarrassed. When he came to know that when the house was being built, it was for him. But for that old carpenter to retire, the house was built by a lousy kind of people. But when he came to know that the house he was building was for him. Then he realized that when I knew I was building it for myself at home, I would have made that house wonderfully. But he could not make the house good in order to hurry up his work. Through the story of it, the author has also told about our life. That we think many dreams of the future but we do nothing to fulfill those dreams. And when we reach that time, we think that if we had done some work in the past, it would not have happened today.

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