Describe characteristics and uses of coke?

Describe characteristics and uses of coke?

Question: Describe characteristics and uses of coke? 

Coke is a product of coal that has been subjected to destructive distillation, a process that removes volatile substances and leaves behind carbon. Coke has a  high carbon content, a  low moisture content, and a hard and dense structure. It is greyish-black in colour and has a porous  texture.

Coke is mainly used as a fuel for various industrial applications, such as stoves, furnaces, and blacksmithing. It produces very little smoke when burned, which makes it preferable over coal in some cases. Coke is also used as a reducing agent in the extraction of metals from their ores, especially iron. It helps to remove oxygen and impurities from the metal, resulting in pure and strong metal. Coke is also used to manufacture steel and other products that require high temperatures and pressures.


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