A popular photo editing application provides customers with the option of accessing a web based version through a monthly subscription. the vendor hosts the application and is responsible for all maintenance work including upgrades and purchase what type of service does this option describe?

Question: A popular photo editing application provides customers with the option of accessing a web based version through a monthly subscription. the vendor hosts the application and is responsible for all maintenance work including upgrades and purchase what type of service does this option describe?

(1)Platform as a Service (PaaS)
(2)Software as a Service (SaaS)​
(3)Infrastructure as a Service (laas)
(4)Anything as a Service (IaaS)

The option described in this scenario is (2) Software as a Service (SaaS). In this model, the vendor hosts and maintains the application, and customers access it through a web-based interface. The monthly subscription allows customers to use the software without the need for installation, maintenance, or upgrades on their own devices.

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