Describe the ethnic composition of Belgium?

Describe the ethnic composition of Belgium?

Question: Describe the ethnic composition of Belgium?

Belgium is a country located in Western Europe and has a diverse ethnic composition. The population of Belgium consists of several ethnic groups. The major ethnic groups in Belgium are as follows:

1. Flemish: The Flemish people are the largest ethnic group in Belgium, comprising approximately 60% of the population. They primarily speak Dutch and are concentrated in the northern region of Flanders. Flemish culture has a strong influence on Belgium's language, traditions, and identity.

2. Walloons: The Walloons are the second-largest ethnic group in Belgium, accounting for around 30% of the population. They primarily speak French and are concentrated in the southern region of Wallonia. Walloon culture is influenced by French language and traditions.

3. Germans: There is a small German-speaking community in the eastern part of Belgium, near the border with Germany. They make up a very small percentage of the population and have their own language, German. The German-speaking community is primarily located in the region known as the East Cantons.
4. Immigrant Communities: Belgium is home to various immigrant communities from different parts of the world. These communities contribute to the multicultural fabric of the country. Some of the significant immigrant groups include people of Moroccan, Turkish, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Congolese, and other European, African, and Asian origins. These communities bring their languages, cultures, and traditions to Belgium, adding to its diversity.

It's important to note that Belgium's ethnic composition is characterized by linguistic divisions, with the Flemish primarily speaking Dutch and the Walloons speaking French. The coexistence of these linguistic and cultural communities is an essential aspect of Belgium's identity as a bilingual and multicultural country.


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