Celebrities with benign fasciculation syndrome dailybuzzer.net?

Question: Celebrities with benign fasciculation syndrome dailybuzzer.net?

Celebrities with benign fasciculation syndrome:

• Kerry Washington 

• Ashton Kutcher 

• Deepak Chopra 

• David Beckham

• Michael J. Fox 

• Ricky Gervais 

• Usher 

• Robin Williams 

• Matthew Perry 

• Demi Moore 

• Mark Wahlberg 

• Tom Hanks 

• Ben Stiller

Benign fasciculation syndrome (BFS) is a neurological disorder characterized by twitching (fasciculation) of various voluntary muscles in the body. It can affect any muscle under your voluntary control, including your arms, legs, fingers, toes, abdomen, back, or even your eyelids. Some people may also experience tingling, pins and needles, or burning sensations in the affected areas. While the cause of BFS is unknown, it is not usually serious and does not generally require treatment. There is no known cure for BFS, but some people have found relief from the symptoms through a combination of medications, avoidance of caffeine and alcohol, relaxation techniques, and lifestyle changes.

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