Describe any three major problems faced by indian cotton weavers in 19th century?

Question: Describe any three major problems faced by indian cotton weavers in 19th century?

According to various sources  , some of the major problems faced by Indian cotton weavers in the 19th century were:

-  Competition from British textiles:  The British government imposed tariffs on Indian cotton imports and promoted local industries. The British manufacturers also sought overseas markets for their cloth, which reduced the demand for Indian textiles.

-  Lack of modern technology: The Indian weavers used traditional handlooms and spinning wheels, which were slower and less efficient than the machines used by the British. The Indian weavers could not produce as much or as fast as the British factories.

- Exploitation by middlemen: The Indian weavers had to depend on merchants and moneylenders for raw cotton, credit, and market access. These middlemen often charged high interest rates, deducted taxes, and paid low prices for the finished goods. The weavers had little bargaining power and were often in debt.


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