Examine the factor that influence the distribution pattern of the railway network in india?
Question: Examine the factor that influence the distribution pattern of the railway network in india?
1. Geographical Conditions: The geographical conditions of India influence the railway network as the direction of the network is determined by the topography of each region. The availability of land for rail construction, regional boundaries, and the location of major cities determine the track and station locations.
2. Historical Establishment: The railway network was established under the British Raj and hence has been influenced by historical geography and political boundaries. Thus the network is constrained by cities and settlements that were developed during this period.
3. Urbanization: Urbanization has undoubtedly been the main factor in affecting the growth and development of the railway network across India. As cities become more densely populated, more resources are needed to expand the network, resulting in the concentration of the network in urbanised areas.
4. Connectivity: Connectivity between cities is important in terms of providing efficient transport links, and therefore the railway network is designed to connect cities, towns and villages across India.
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