Explain the trends in atomic radii of d block elements?

Explain the trends in atomic radii of d block elements?

Question: Explain the trends in atomic radii of d block elements?

The atomic radius of transition metal elements in the d-block of the periodic table increase with increasing atomic number. This is quite different from the a-block elements, in which the atomic radius generally decreases going towards the right-hand side of the periodic table. This difference is caused by the increasing number of d electrons as atomic numbers increase, which require more space and cause the d-block atomicradius to increase. The added d electrons also begin to shield the nuclear charge, resulting in less protons being felt and an increase in atomic radius. This trend is less noticeable in heavier elements once shielding becomes more frequent and the nuclear charge cannot vary significantly.  Generally speaking, however, the effect allows for a fairly constant increase in the atomic radius of d-block elements with increasing atomic number.

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