How much can you earn before paying tax canada 2021?

How much can you earn before paying tax canada 2021?

Question: How much can you earn before paying tax canada 2021?

The amount you can earn before paying taxes in Canada in 2021 depends on your province or territory of residence and whether you are a single or a family filing in 2021. 

In general, you are eligible to claim certain personal amounts that reduce income subject to tax in the 2021 tax year. For example, the basic personal amount is $13,229 for all Canadians in 2021. This means that you do not have to pay tax on the first $13,229 of income that you earn in 2021, regardless of your province or territory of residence or filing status. 

The higher your income, the more tax you will pay. In 2021, the federal tax rate on income over $214,368 is 33% plus any applicable provincial or territorial tax. Taxes are also payable on any passive income, such as from investments, regardless of the amount earned.

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