Mention the provisions that constitute india into a secular country?
Question: Mention the provisions that constitute india into a secular country?
India is a secular country, meaning it respects all religions equally and does not have a state religion. This is enshrined in the Constitution of India, which sets out the following provisions:
1) Right to Freedom of Religion: Article 25 of the Indian Constitution guarantees every person the right to freely practice, preach, and propagate any religion of their choice. It also ensures the right to manage religious affairs.
2) No Discrimination on Basis of Religion: Article 15 of the Indian Constitution prohibits discrimination on the grounds of religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth.
3) Right of Religious Denominations to Manage their Own Affairs: Article 26 of the Indian Constitution states that religious denominations or any section thereof shall have the right to manage its affairs in matters of religion, including the right to own and acquire property and administer it according to its own rules.
4) No Religious Instruction in Government Schools: Article 28 of the Indian Constitution prohibits religious instruction in government-run educational institutions and grants freedom to all citizens to practice any religion they choose without fear of state interference.
5) Abolition of Untouchability: Article 17 of the Indian Constitution abolishes the practice of untouchability and provides for punishment for persons who practice it. Further, Article 330 and 332 provide for certain special exemptions for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the representation of the people in Parliament and State Legislatures.
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