Subjectivity in qualitative research is true, not only for an ______ or a group under study but also for you, the researcher, because of your personal involvement in every stage of your research.

Question: Subjectivity in qualitative research is true, not only for an ______ or a group under study but also for you, the researcher, because of your personal involvement in every stage of your research.

Subjectivity in qualitative research is true not only for the interviewee or the group being studied, but also for the researcher. This is because the researcher brings their own feelings, opinions, and experiences to the research process. For example, when conducting interviews, the questions an interviewer asks and the way they interpret responses may be dictated by their own personal beliefs and prior knowledge of the subject. Similarly, when interpreting and analyzing research data, the researcher's personal opinions and perspectives may come into play. Ultimately, subjectivity in qualitative research is unavoidable, and researchers must be aware of it and take it into account when evaluating their findings.

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