Briefly describe any two non-conventional sources of energy.

Question: Briefly describe any two non-conventional sources of energy.

Non-conventional sources of energy are those that are continuously replenished by natural processes and do not pollute the environment. Some examples of non-conventional sources of energy are solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy, biomass energy and geothermal energy. 

Solar energy is the energy obtained from the sun's radiation. It can be converted into electricity using photovoltaic cells or into heat using solar thermal collectors. Solar energy is abundant, clean and renewable, but it depends on the availability of sunlight and requires high initial investment.

Wind energy is the energy harnessed from the kinetic energy of moving air. It can be used to rotate turbines that generate electricity or to pump water or grind grains. Wind energy is also clean and renewable, but it is variable and depends on the wind speed and direction.

 Tidal energy is the energy derived from the periodic rise and fall of sea levels due to the gravitational attraction of the moon and the sun. It can be used to drive turbines that produce electricity or to operate pumps or compressors. Tidal energy is predictable and renewable, but it has limited potential and can affect marine ecosystems.

Biomass energy is the energy obtained from organic matter such as plants, animals, agricultural wastes or municipal solid wastes. It can be converted into fuels such as biogas, ethanol or biodiesel, or burned directly to produce heat or electricity. Biomass energy is renewable and can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but it can also cause deforestation, soil erosion and air pollution.

 Geothermal energy is the energy extracted from the heat stored in the earth's crust. It can be used to generate electricity using steam turbines or to provide heating or cooling using heat pumps. Geothermal energy is reliable and renewable, but it is geographically limited and can cause land subsidence, earthquakes or water contamination.

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