Describe the features of effective questioning and feedback?

Describe the features of effective questioning and feedback?

Question: Describe the features of effective questioning and feedback?

Effective questioning and feedback are essential skills for teachers and learners. They help to assess the level of understanding, identify gaps in knowledge, clarify misconceptions, and provide guidance for improvement. Some features of effective questioning and feedback are:

- They are aligned with the learning objectives and outcomes of the lesson or activity.

- They are clear, specific, and relevant to the topic or task.

- They are varied in type, level, and format, such as open-ended, closed-ended, factual, inferential, evaluative, oral, written, etc.

- They are timely, frequent, and constructive, giving learners opportunities to respond, reflect, and act on the feedback.

- They are interactive and dialogic, encouraging learners to ask questions, explain their reasoning, justify their answers, and give feedback to peers.

- They are supportive and respectful, creating a positive and safe learning environment where learners feel comfortable to express their ideas, opinions, and emotions.

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