Describe the symplastic pathway of water movement in the root?

Describe the symplastic pathway of water movement in the root?

Question: Describe the symplastic pathway of water movement in the root?

The symplastic pathway of water movement in the root involves the passage of water through the protoplasm of living cells. Water enters the symplast by crossing the plasma membrane of root hairs or epidermal cells, and then moves from cell to cell through plasmodesmata, which are cytoplasmic bridges that connect adjacent cells. The symplastic pathway is slower than the apoplastic pathway, which involves the movement of water through the cell walls and intercellular spaces. The symplastic pathway also offers more resistance to water flow, as it is regulated by the selective plasma membrane and influenced by the metabolic state of the root cells. The symplastic pathway is interrupted by the endodermis, where the cell walls have impermeable lignin and suberin deposits called Casparian strips. Water has to enter the xylem through the symplast, as the Casparian strips block the apoplastic route.

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