Does the angle of banking depend on the mass of the vehicle?

Question: Does the angle of banking depend on the mass of the vehicle?

No, the angle of banking does not depend on the mass of the vehicle. The angle of banking of a road or a track is the angle at which the surface is inclined to the horizontal to enable a vehicle to turn smoothly without skidding or slipping. It is determined by the speed of the vehicle, the radius of the turn, and the acceleration due to gravity. The gravitational force acting on the vehicle depends on its mass, but this force does not affect the angle of banking. The angle of banking is set such that the horizontal component of the normal force acting on the vehicle provides the required centripetal force to keep the vehicle moving in a circular path without slipping or skidding. The mass of the vehicle does not affect the normal force or its horizontal component, so the angle of banking is independent of the mass of the vehicle.

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