Explain the shape of nh3 molecule based on vsepr theory?

Question: Explain the shape of nh3 molecule based on vsepr theory?

The shape of the NH3 molecule is trigonal pyramidal, based on the VSEPR (Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion) theory. NH3 has four electron groups, including three bonding pairs and one lone pair of electrons. According to VSEPR theory, these electron groups repel each other, causing them to arrange themselves as far apart from each other as possible. This results in a trigonal pyramid shape, with the three hydrogen atoms positioned at the corners of the base of the pyramid and the lone pair of electrons located at the apex. The bond angle between the hydrogen atoms is approximately 107 degrees, which is slightly less than the ideal tetrahedral angle due to the repulsion of the lone pair of electrons. The trigonal pyramidal shape of NH3 molecule makes it a polar molecule with a net dipole moment, which contributes to its unique chemical properties.


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