How does a cloud first strategy approach a client migration to the cloud?

Question: How does a cloud first strategy approach a client migration to the cloud?

A cloud-first strategy for client migration to the cloud typically involves a three-step process. 

The first step is to identify the most suitable cloud migration option for the client’s needs. This involves evaluating the client’s current IT infrastructure, understanding the requirements of the business, and assessing which cloud platform best meets those requirements.

Once the cloud migration platform is chosen, the second step is to map out the client’s entire application architecture in preparation for migration. This includes building a comprehensive blueprint that details the applications and services that will be migrated and the steps required in order to migrate them to the cloud. 

The third step is to deploy the architecture to the target cloud platform to ensure everything is running as expected. This includes setting up and configuring the network, storage, and other related services as required. Finally, go-live testing and validation needs to be performed on the application and service deployments to ensure no surprises or performance issues occur when it’s time to fully migrate.

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