How is a qubit in quantum computing different from a regular bit in classical computing?

Question: How is a qubit in quantum computing different from a regular bit in classical computing?

A qubit is a quantum bit, which is the basic unit of quantum information, analogous to the classical bit. A qubit differs from a classical bit in that it is much more versatile, due to the additional state of superposition, which allows it to exist simultaneously as two values (0 and 1). This versatility allows a qubit to be used to store, process and transmit large amounts of data in a much more efficient way than is possible with classical bits. Additionally, because of the phenomenon of entanglement, two qubits can be placed in a state where they are permanently connected to each other and unable to be separated without changing the overall state of the system. In general, operations on qubits are done in a probabilistic way, which allows for the manipulation of very large amounts of data in parallel, rather than bit by bit in a classical computer.

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