How to get rid of fruit flies?

How to get rid of fruit flies?

1. Clean up: the first step to getting rid of fruit flies is to make sure that all areas of your kitchen are clean. Clean kitchen surfaces and floors regularly, keep trash cans covered, and refrigerate ripe fruits and vegetables.

2. Cover your fruit: covering or wrapping overripe fruits and vegetables with plastic wrap can help keep fruit flies away.

3. Trap them: use old-fashioned apple cider vinegar or white wine in a cup and add a few drops of dish soap. The fruit flies will be attracted to the smell and will get stuck in the cup.

4. Clean drains: pour boiling hot water down drains and garbage disposals to kill any larvae or eggs that may be present.

5. Use natural repellents: essential oils such as peppermint and lemongrass can help repel fruit flies.

6. Vacuum regularly:Using a vacuum cleaner with a powerful suction can help get rid of large numbers of fruit flies quickly. Make sure to vacuum the crevices, corners, and tight spaces where the flies tend to congregate.

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