It is a philosophical perspective that certain immutable laws are fundamental to human nature and can be readily ascertained through reason.

Question: It is a philosophical perspective that certain immutable laws are fundamental to human nature and can be readily ascertained through reason.

The philosophical perspective that certain immutable laws are fundamental to human nature and can be readily ascertained through reason is known as natural law. Natural law holds that there are universal principles that exist independently of human-made laws, and that these principles can be discovered through rational inquiry and reflection. These principles are believed to be inherent in human nature and are applicable to all people regardless of their cultural or historical context. Some examples of natural law principles include the protection of life, liberty, and property, as well as the prohibition of murder, theft, and deception. Advocates of natural law argue that it provides a moral foundation for human society, and that it is the basis for a just legal system that upholds individual rights and promotes the common good. Critics of natural law, on the other hand, argue that it is too abstract and vague to provide concrete guidance in real-world situations, and that it can be used to justify a wide range of conflicting moral and political positions.

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