It is under the philippines law, refers to the act committed or omitted in violation of public law forbidding or commanding it.

Question: It is under the philippines law, refers to the act committed or omitted in violation of public law forbidding or commanding it.

Under Philippine law, the term "crime" refers to an act committed or omitted in violation of a public law that either forbids or commands it. Crimes are considered offenses against the state, rather than just against individuals, and are subject to criminal prosecution and punishment by the government. In the Philippines, crimes are classified into different categories based on their severity, ranging from minor offenses such as traffic violations to more serious crimes such as murder, robbery, and drug trafficking. The Philippine legal system also recognizes different levels of criminal intent or culpability, with some crimes requiring proof of specific intent or knowledge, while others only require proof of negligence or recklessness. The prosecution of crimes in the Philippines is governed by a complex set of procedural rules and standards, designed to ensure the fair and impartial administration of justice.

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