Obtain the relationship between density of a substance and the edge?

Question: Obtain the relationship between density of a substance and the edge?

The relationship between the density of a substance and its edge length depends on the type of crystal lattice structure it has. In general, for a given crystal lattice structure, the density of the substance is directly proportional to the mass of each unit cell and inversely proportional to the volume of each unit cell. The volume of each unit cell, in turn, is determined by the edge length of the unit cell. For example, in a simple cubic structure, the density is equal to the mass of the atoms in each unit cell divided by the volume of the unit cell, which is equal to the cube of the edge length. Therefore, the density of a substance increases as the edge length of the unit cell decreases, and vice versa. Similarly, in other crystal lattice structures, such as the face-centered cubic (fcc) and body-centered cubic (bcc) structures, the relationship between the density of the substance and the edge length of the unit cell can also be determined using similar equations.

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