Satire is an author’s use of narration to explain plot events. dialogue to engage the reader. details to present a time period. humor to criticize human folly.

Question: Satire is an author’s use of narration to explain plot events. dialogue to engage the reader. details to present a time period. humor to criticize human folly.

Satire is an author’s use of comedy, irony, exaggeration, and ridicule to make a point about a person, group, or society. Satire can be used to address a range of topics, such as politics, society, religion, and human behavior. Through satire, authors point out the absurdity of a situation and shed light on painful truths. By using narration, dialogue, and details to show a particular time period, authors can craft a story that is both entertaining and enlightening. By making jokes at the expense of human folly, authors can challenge their audience to think about their attitudes and behaviors, in a gentle and humorous way.


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