Two plants which depend on water for reproduction?

Two plants which depend on water for reproduction?

Question: Two plants which depend on water for reproduction?

1. Water Lily: Water lilies require water that is relatively still, such as that found in ponds and lakes, to reproduce. The plant's flowers will sink beneath the water at the end of the day and release the plant's seed pods. In the water, pollen is transferred between two flowers on different water lily plants, and then the seeds are released which will eventually fall to the bottom of the pond or lake and grow into a new water lily plant.

2. Moss: Mosses reproduce via spore capsules, produced in a variety of forms from most moss plants. These spores must land on a suitable habitat to develop, such as moist soil or even a damp rock. Spores require water to initiate their growth, so mosses growing in dry habitats will not spread nearly as fast as mosses growing in wetter environments.

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