What is the main causes of population growth in assam?

Question: What is the main causes of population growth in assam?

The main cause of population growth in Assam is the influx of immigrants from neighbouring countries and states. In recent years, immigrants from Bangladesh, Nepal, and other parts of India have been coming to Assam in large numbers due to various factors such as economic opportunities, employment, and access to education, among others. Additionally, Assam has a high fertility rate compared to other Indian states due to socio-cultural norms and practices such as early marriage. This has contributed to a rapid population growth rate in the state. Furthermore, the availability of government schemes such as the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Pradhan Mantri Gramin Awaas Yojana, and Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) have provided incentives for people to move to Assam. As a result, the population growth in the state has steadily increased.

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