Which of the following data/information should be contained in a status report?

Question: Which of the following data/information should be contained in a status report?

A status report should include the following data/information:- 

1. Overview of project progress: This usually includes a brief summary of overall status, highlighting any major accomplishments and/or setbacks that have occurred. 

2. Milestones achieved: A list of key artifacts, such as plans, specs, and estimates, which have been completed. 

3. Goals reached or not met: Progress on any specific objectives that have been established. 

4. Scope change: A record of any scope creep or scope reduction since the last report. 

5. Resource utilization: Metrics on the utilization of personnel and other resources that have contributed to the project. 

6. Budget information: An accounting of the budget spent to date and the associated burn rate. 

7. Schedule performance: A comparison of the original timeline with the progress to date, and any schedule changes or delays that may have occurred. 

8. Quality assurance (QA) status: Anticipated levels of testing and quality done to date, as well as any QA documentation that should be shared. 

9. Risk assessment: An analysis of any project risks that may be present and an estimation of likelihood and severity. 

10. Dependencies: List of any identified dependencies to date, and the relative priority assigned to each one.

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