Describe the shape of the volcanic cone formed from the following types of volcanic emission?

Question: Describe the shape of the volcanic cone formed from the following types of volcanic emission?

The shape of the volcanic cone depends on the type of volcanic emission that builds it up. There are three main types of volcanic emission: lava, tephra and gas. Lava is molten rock that flows out of the volcano. Tephra is solid material that is ejected from the volcano, such as ash, cinders and bombs. Gas is vapor that escapes from the volcano, such as water, carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide.

Lava can form different types of cones depending on its viscosity, or resistance to flow. Viscous lava tends to pile up near the vent and form steep-sided cones called lava domes. Fluid lava can flow farther away from the vent and form gentle-sloped cones called shield volcanoes. Some fluid lava can also form thin sheets that stack up and form flat-topped cones called lava plateaus.

Tephra can also form different types of cones depending on its size and shape. Fine-grained tephra, such as ash, can be carried by the wind and form wide cones with low slopes called ash cones. Coarse-grained tephra, such as cinders and bombs, can fall near the vent and form narrow cones with high slopes called cinder cones. Some coarse-grained tephra can also accumulate around a central vent and form steep-sided cones with a crater at the top called composite volcanoes.

Gas can form cones by dissolving in magma and causing explosive eruptions that produce both lava and tephra. Gas can also escape from cracks or fissures in the ground and form vents called fumaroles. Some fumaroles can deposit minerals around their openings and form small cones called fumarolic cones.

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