Discuss the major types of interview in detail.

Discuss the major types of interview in detail.

Question: Discuss the major types of interview in detail. 

Interviews are a common method of gathering information from people for various purposes. There are different types of interviews depending on the goal, the format, and the level of interaction. In this paragraph, we will discuss three major types of interviews: structured, semi-structured, and unstructured.

Structured interviews are interviews that follow a predefined set of questions and procedures. They are often used for quantitative research, such as surveys or experiments, where the interviewer wants to collect standardized and comparable data from a large sample of participants. Structured interviews are usually conducted in a formal and impersonal manner, with little room for deviation or follow-up questions.

Semi-structured interviews are interviews that have some predetermined questions, but also allow for flexibility and exploration of the topic. They are often used for qualitative research, such as case studies or ethnography, where the interviewer wants to gain a deeper understanding of the participants' perspectives, experiences, and opinions. Semi-structured interviews are usually conducted in a conversational and interactive manner, with the possibility of probing or clarifying questions.

Unstructured interviews are interviews that have no fixed agenda or questions. They are often used for exploratory research, such as grounded theory or phenomenology, where the interviewer wants to discover new insights or themes from the participants' narratives. Unstructured interviews are usually conducted in an informal and spontaneous manner, with the interviewer following the flow of the conversation and encouraging the participants to share their stories.

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