Highlight the role of otto von bismarck in making of germany.

Question: Highlight the role of otto von bismarck in making of germany. 

Otto von Bismarck played a crucial role in the making of Germany as a unified nation-state. As the Chancellor of Prussia from 1862 to 1871, he pursued a policy of "Realpolitik," which sought to unify Germany under the leadership of Prussia through a combination of military and diplomatic means. Bismarck engineered a series of wars, including the Franco-Prussian War, that led to the defeat of France and the unification of Germany under the leadership of Prussia in 1871. Bismarck also played a key role in shaping the political and social institutions of the new German state, including the establishment of a constitutional monarchy, the adoption of a common legal system, and the introduction of social welfare programs. His legacy as the "Iron Chancellor" remains an important part of Germany's history and political identity.

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