What type of communication rule would best describe csma/cd?

Question: What type of communication rule would best describe csma/cd?

CSMA/CD stands for Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection. It is a communication rule that allows multiple devices to share a common network medium, such as a cable or a wireless channel. CSMA/CD works by letting each device sense the medium before sending any data. If the medium is busy, the device waits for a random time and tries again. If the medium is free, the device starts transmitting data. However, there is a possibility that two or more devices start transmitting at the same time, causing a collision. CSMA/CD detects collisions by monitoring the signal strength during transmission. If a collision is detected, the devices stop transmitting and wait for another random time before retrying. This way, CSMA/CD ensures that only one device can successfully transmit data at a time, while minimizing the wasted bandwidth and avoiding network congestion.

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