Fetishism meaning in english?
Question: Fetishism meaning in english?
Fetishism is a term that refers to a sexual attraction or fixation on a particular object, body part, or non-human entity. It involves a strong and recurrent desire for sexual gratification through the use of the fetish object or by incorporating it into sexual activities.
Fetishism can also refer to a non-sexual fixation or attachment to an object or practice, such as an obsession with a particular type of clothing or the compulsive repetition of a certain behavior. In anthropology, fetishism refers to the belief in the magical power or spiritual significance of an object or natural phenomenon.
It is important to note that while fetishism is not inherently harmful, it can become problematic if it interferes with an individual's daily functioning, causes distress, or involves non-consensual behavior. If a person's fetish is causing distress or difficulty in their life, seeking professional help from a mental health practitioner may be beneficial.
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