Identify which way the labor supply curve would shift under the following scenarios.

Question: Identify which way the labor supply curve would shift under the following scenarios.

An increase in wages.

If the wages increase, the quantity of labor supplied would increase as well because people would be willing to work more for higher wages. Therefore, the labor supply curve would shift to the right.

The introduction of new labor-saving technology.

New labor-saving technology would reduce the amount of labor required to produce a certain amount of output. This would decrease the quantity of labor supplied at any given wage, shifting the labor supply curve to the left.

An increase in the number of workers in the labor force.

An increase in the number of workers in the labor force would increase the quantity of labor supplied at any given wage, causing the labor supply curve to shift to the right.

An increase in the number of retirees.

If the number of retirees increases, then the labor supply would decrease, as fewer workers would be available to work. This would shift the labor supply curve to the left.

An increase in the availability of child care.

An increase in the availability of child care would make it easier for parents to work, so the quantity of labor supplied would increase at any given wage. This would shift the labor supply curve to the right. 

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