Sociological foundation of curriculum?

Question: Sociological foundation of curriculum?

The sociological foundation of curriculum refers to the idea that curriculum is influenced by and reflects the broader social, economic, cultural, and political context in which it is developed and implemented. This means that curriculum is not created in isolation, but is shaped by the social norms, values, and expectations of society.

The sociological foundation of curriculum emphasizes the role of education in socialization and the transmission of cultural values and knowledge from one generation to another. It recognizes that education is a social institution that is deeply intertwined with the social, economic, and political systems in which it operates.

The sociological foundation of curriculum has several key concepts:

1. Socialization: Education is seen as a key agent of socialization that helps to prepare individuals for their roles and responsibilities in society.

2. Cultural transmission: Curriculum is viewed as a means of transmitting cultural knowledge and values from one generation to another, helping to maintain social continuity and cohesion.

3. Social reproduction: Education is seen as a means of reproducing social inequalities and maintaining the existing social structure, with the curriculum reflecting the dominant ideology and values of the society.

4. Social change: Curriculum is also seen as a means of promoting social change and challenging existing power structures, with the potential to contribute to social and economic progress and promote social justice.

Overall, the sociological foundation of curriculum highlights the importance of understanding the broader social context in which education operates and recognizes that curriculum is not neutral, but is shaped by and reflects the social, cultural, and political values of society.


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