What is interference of light?

Question: What is interference of light?

Interference of light refers to the phenomenon that occurs when two or more waves of light interact with each other. When waves of light with different frequencies, phases, and amplitudes meet, they can either reinforce each other or cancel each other out, depending on their relative positions and properties.

This can result in a variety of interesting effects, such as patterns of bright and dark fringes, known as interference patterns. This effect is a fundamental aspect of wave behavior and is essential to many areas of physics and engineering, such as optics, telecommunications, and quantum mechanics.

Interference can occur between waves of the same or different sources, and it can be observed in a variety of contexts, including thin films, diffraction gratings, and interference filters. The study of interference has led to many important discoveries in physics and has helped scientists gain a deeper understanding of the nature of light and the properties of matter.


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