Which of the following statements correctly defines biotechnology? the process of cutting dna into fragments and inserting the fragments with a desired gene into another organism of the same or different species a field of biology that uses genetic engineering to produce crops, pharmaceuticals, and enzymes for use in industry and manufacturing processes the process of analyzing dna samples to identify individuals a field of biology in which microorganisms and their effects on other living organisms are studied?

Question: Which of the following statements correctly defines biotechnology? the process of cutting dna into fragments and inserting the fragments with a desired gene into another organism of the same or different species a field of biology that uses genetic engineering to produce crops, pharmaceuticals, and enzymes for use in industry and manufacturing processes the process of analyzing dna samples to identify individuals a field of biology in which microorganisms and their effects on other living organisms are studied?

The best definition of biotechnology among the given statements is the second one: a field of biology that uses genetic engineering to produce crops, pharmaceuticals, and enzymes for use in industry and manufacturing processes . This definition covers the main aspects of biotechnology, such as the manipulation of living organisms or their components, the production of useful products, and the application of genetic engineering. The other statements are either too narrow or too broad to define biotechnology accurately. For example, the first statement describes only one technique of biotechnology, namely recombinant DNA technology, while the third and fourth statements refer to other fields of biology, such as forensic science and microbiology, that may use biotechnology but are not synonymous with it.

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