Describe the type of community reflected in the study guide. Provide a theoretical description and motivate/support your answer with examples from the case study.

Question: Describe the type of community reflected in the study guide. Provide a theoretical description and motivate/support your answer with examples from the case study. 

The study guide reflects a community of practice, which is a group of people who share a common interest, passion, or goal and learn from each other through regular interaction. A community of practice is characterized by three dimensions: domain, community, and practice. The domain is the shared topic or field of interest that defines the identity of the group. The community is the network of relationships and interactions that enable learning and collaboration. The practice is the shared repertoire of resources, tools, methods, and experiences that the group develops over time.

In the case study, the students form a community of practice around the domain of social entrepreneurship, which is their common interest and goal. They interact with each other through online forums, chats, video calls, and peer feedback, which constitute their community. They also create and share various artifacts, such as business plans, prototypes, presentations, and reflections, which are part of their practice. Through these activities, they learn from each other's perspectives, experiences, and challenges, and improve their skills and knowledge in social entrepreneurship.

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