Explain the underlying architecture of the linux operating system?

Explain the underlying architecture of the linux operating system?

Question: Explain the underlying architecture of the linux operating system?

The Linux operating system is based on a modular design that consists of several components. The main components are the kernel, the shell, the file system, and the user applications. The kernel is the core of the operating system that manages the hardware resources, such as memory, CPU, disk, and network. The kernel also provides basic services, such as process management, security, and inter-process communication. The shell is the interface between the user and the kernel. It allows the user to execute commands, run programs, and manipulate files. The shell can be either graphical or textual, depending on the user's preference. The file system is the way that the operating system organizes and stores data on the disk. The file system consists of directories and files that have names, attributes, and permissions. The user applications are the programs that run on top of the operating system and perform various tasks, such as browsing the web, editing documents, or playing games. The user applications can be either native or cross-platform, depending on their compatibility with different operating systems.

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