These are terms used in exercise to describe the processes of increasing and decreasing the intensity, difficulty, or complexity of an exercise?

Question: These are terms used in exercise to describe the processes of increasing and decreasing the intensity, difficulty, or complexity of an exercise?

Some common terms used in exercise to describe the processes of increasing and decreasing the intensity, difficulty, or complexity of an exercise are:

- Progression: This refers to gradually increasing the workload or challenge of an exercise over time, such as by adding more weight, repetitions, sets, or speed. Progression helps to improve fitness and prevent plateaus.

- Regression: This refers to temporarily or permanently decreasing the workload or challenge of an exercise, such as by reducing weight, repetitions, sets, or speed. Regression can be used to avoid injury, recover from fatigue, or adapt to a different level of fitness.

- Variation: This refers to changing the type, mode, or order of an exercise, such as by switching from dumbbells to kettlebells, from running to cycling, or from chest press to push-ups. Variation helps to prevent boredom, stimulate different muscles, and enhance performance.

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