What is meant by the term life roles and indicate how teenagers could deal with the changes in their current life roles as they navigate the new phase of their lives?

Question: What is meant by the term life roles and indicate how teenagers could deal with the changes in their current life roles as they navigate the new phase of their lives?

Life roles are the different positions or functions that a person occupies in society, such as student, worker, friend, parent, etc. Teenagers face many changes in their life roles as they transition from childhood to adulthood. They may have to take on more responsibilities, make more decisions, cope with peer pressure, deal with romantic relationships, and plan for their future. These changes can be challenging and stressful, but also rewarding and exciting. To deal with the changes in their life roles, teenagers need to develop skills such as self-awareness, communication, problem-solving, goal-setting, and coping. They also need to seek support from their family, friends, teachers, and mentors. By doing so, they can learn to balance their different life roles and achieve their personal and social goals.


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