Who helped to organize the voyage of the mayflower to massachusetts in 1620?
Question: Who helped to organize the voyage of the mayflower to massachusetts in 1620?
The voyage of the Mayflower to Massachusetts in 1620 was a historic event that marked the beginning of a new colony in America. The voyage was organized by a group of English Separatists who wanted to escape religious persecution in England and establish a pure church in the New World. They were joined by other adventurers and merchants who hoped to profit from the venture. Some of the people who helped to organize the voyage were:
- William Bradford, the leader of the Separatists and later the governor of Plymouth Colony. He negotiated with the London Adventurers, a group of merchants who financed the expedition, and secured a patent from the Virginia Company to settle in America. He also wrote the Mayflower Compact, a document that established a civil government for the colony.
- William Brewster, the elder of the Separatists and a former diplomat. He helped Bradford to arrange the voyage and recruit passengers from Holland, where some of the Separatists had lived for 12 years. He also served as a spiritual leader and adviser for the colony.
- Myles Standish, a professional soldier who was hired by the Separatists as their military captain. He helped to secure weapons and supplies for the voyage and defended the colony from hostile natives. He also explored the coast of New England and selected the site for Plymouth settlement.
- William Mullins, a wealthy shoemaker who made one of the largest investments in the joint stock company that funded the voyage. He also became one of the passengers on the Mayflower, along with his wife, daughter and son-in-law. He died shortly after arriving in America, but his daughter Priscilla married John Alden, another Mayflower passenger, and became one of the founders of Plymouth Colony.
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