Describe what happens to plate a as it collides with plate b why?


Describe what happens to plate a as it collides with plate b why?

Question: Describe what happens to plate a as it collides with plate b why?

When two tectonic plates collide, they can either slide past each other, crumple together, or one plate can subduct beneath the other. The type of collision that occurs depends on the relative densities of the plates.

If two oceanic plates collide, the denser plate will always subduct beneath the less dense plate. This is because oceanic crust is naturally denser than continental crust. The subducting plate is dragged down into the mantle, where it melts and reforms.

The plate that is subducting is called the subducting plate. The plate that is not subducting is called the ** overriding plate**.

As the subducting plate sinks, it causes the overriding plate to bend and fold. This can lead to the formation of mountains, volcanoes, and earthquakes.

The type of plate boundary that occurs when two plates collide is called a ** convergent plate boundary**. There are three types of convergent plate boundaries:

  • Oceanic-oceanic convergence: This is when two oceanic plates collide. The denser plate subducts beneath the less dense plate.
  • Oceanic-continental convergence: This is when an oceanic plate collides with a continental plate. The oceanic plate subducts beneath the continental plate.
  • Continental-continental convergence: This is when two continental plates collide. The plates crumple together and form a mountain range.

The collision of tectonic plates is a major driving force of geological change on Earth. It is responsible for the formation of mountains, volcanoes, and earthquakes. It also plays a role in the distribution of land and ocean on Earth.

Here are some of the specific things that happen to plate A as it collides with plate B:

  • The subducting plate is heated and compressed, causing it to melt.
  • The molten rock from the subducting plate rises to the surface, forming volcanoes.
  • The overriding plate is forced up, forming mountains.
  • The friction between the two plates causes earthquakes.
  • The subducting plate can also pull down the overriding plate, causing it to sink into the mantle.

The exact details of what happens to plate A will depend on the specific type of plate boundary and the composition of the plates involved. However, the general principles are the same.

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