Give the seven levels of competence, including the various achievement levels and their corresponding percentage bands indicating the scale of achievement, for a specific phase.

Question: Give the seven levels of competence, including the various achievement levels and their corresponding percentage bands indicating the scale of achievement, for a specific phase.

The seven levels of competence, including the various achievement levels and their corresponding percentage bands indicating the scale of achievement, for a specific phase are as follows:

LevelAchievement LevelPercentage Band
1Not Achieved0-29%
2Elementary Achievement30-39%
3Limited Achievement40-49%
4Adequate Achievement50-59%
5Substantial Achievement60-69%
6Meritorious Achievement70-79%
7Outstanding Achievement80-100%

These levels of competence can be used to assess student achievement in a specific phase of education. For example, they can be used to assess student achievement in a particular subject area, at a particular grade level, or over a particular period of time.

The achievement levels are described as follows:

  • Not Achieved: The student has not demonstrated the required level of competence in any of the key areas of the assessment.
  • Elementary Achievement: The student has demonstrated some understanding of the key concepts and skills, but their performance is still below the expected level.
  • Limited Achievement: The student has demonstrated a basic understanding of the key concepts and skills, but their performance is still below the desired level.
  • Adequate Achievement: The student has demonstrated a good understanding of the key concepts and skills, and their performance is at the expected level.
  • Substantial Achievement: The student has demonstrated a deep understanding of the key concepts and skills, and their performance is above the expected level.
  • Meritorious Achievement: The student has demonstrated an outstanding understanding of the key concepts and skills, and their performance is significantly above the expected level.
  • Outstanding Achievement: The student has demonstrated a truly exceptional understanding of the key concepts and skills, and their performance is at the highest level.

It is important to note that these levels of competence are just one way to assess student achievement. There are many other factors that can be considered, such as the student's individual needs and learning style.

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