Describe the principles of indian foreign policy?

Describe the principles of indian foreign policy?

Question: Describe the principles of indian foreign policy?

The principles of Indian foreign policy are based on the following:

  • Panchsheel: The Panchsheel, or Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, are a set of principles that India has advocated for in its foreign policy since the 1950s. The principles are:

    • Mutual respect for each other's territorial integrity and sovereignty
    • Non-aggression against each other
    • Non-interference in each other's internal affairs
    • Equality and mutual benefit
    • Peaceful co-existence
  • Non-alignment: India has followed a policy of non-alignment since its independence in 1947. This means that India does not take sides in conflicts between major powers. India has also advocated for the peaceful resolution of disputes and the promotion of international cooperation.

  • Development and cooperation: India's foreign policy is also focused on promoting development and cooperation with other countries. India has provided development assistance to many countries, and it has also worked to promote trade and investment.

  • Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam: This Sanskrit phrase means "The world is one family." It reflects India's commitment to promoting peace and harmony among all nations.

These principles have guided India's foreign policy since independence, and they continue to be important today. India is a major player in global affairs, and its foreign policy has a significant impact on the world.

Here are some examples of how India has applied these principles in its foreign policy:

  • India has maintained close relations with both the United States and Russia, despite their rivalry.
  • India has played a leading role in the Non-Aligned Movement, which is a group of countries that do not align themselves with any major power bloc.
  • India has provided development assistance to many countries, including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal.
  • India has worked to promote trade and investment with countries around the world.
  • India has been a strong advocate for the peaceful resolution of disputes and the promotion of international cooperation.

The principles of Indian foreign policy have helped India to maintain its independence and sovereignty, to promote its national interests, and to play a leading role in global affairs.

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