Explain the type of concord between the subject and the main verb of the sentence “good manners have their origin in ancient history.”

Question: Explain the type of concord between the subject and the main verb of the sentence “good manners have their origin in ancient history.”

The type of concord between the subject and the main verb of the sentence "good manners have their origin in ancient history" is subject-verb agreement.

Subject-verb agreement is a grammatical rule that states that the subject and the verb of a sentence must agree in number.

In the sentence "good manners have their origin in ancient history", the subject is "good manners" and the main verb is "have". "Good manners" is a plural subject, and "have" is a plural verb. Therefore, the sentence is subject-verb agreement.

Another way to think about it is that the subject of a sentence is the person or thing that is performing the action of the verb. In the sentence "good manners have their origin in ancient history", the subject is "good manners" and the verb is "have". Therefore, the subject and the verb must agree in number.

Subject-verb agreement is an important grammatical rule that helps to make sentences clear and easy to understand. When the subject and the verb of a sentence agree in number, the sentence sounds more natural and grammatically correct.

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