How does john dewey describe the old-school learning model?

How does john dewey describe the old-school learning model?

Question: How does john dewey describe the old-school learning model?

John Dewey described the old-school learning model as a "passive and rote" approach to education. He argued that this model focused primarily on transmitting knowledge from the teacher to the students, with little emphasis on active engagement and critical thinking. Dewey believed that the old-school model treated education as a one-way process, where students were seen as empty vessels to be filled with information.

Dewey also criticized the old-school model for its emphasis on subject-matter isolation. He argued that this approach to learning was artificial and unrealistic, as it did not reflect the way that knowledge is used in the real world. Dewey believed that students should learn through hands-on activities and problem-solving, which would allow them to develop critical thinking skills and connect their learning to real-world situations.

Here are some specific characteristics of the old-school learning model that Dewey criticized:

  • Teacher-centered instruction: The teacher is the primary authority and source of knowledge in the classroom. Students are expected to listen to the teacher and follow their instructions.
  • Rote memorization: Students are expected to memorize information without understanding it.
  • Subject-matter isolation: Subjects are taught in isolation from each other, and students are not given opportunities to make connections between different areas of knowledge.
  • Competition: Students are encouraged to compete with each other for grades and other rewards.

Dewey's ideas about education have had a significant impact on modern teaching practices. Many schools today embrace a more student-centered and experiential approach to learning. However, the old-school learning model is still prevalent in some schools, particularly in developing countries.

It is important to note that Dewey did not reject the idea of teaching students academic content. However, he believed that this content should be taught in a way that is relevant to students' lives and that allows them to develop critical thinking skills. He also believed that students should be actively involved in the learning process, rather than simply being passive recipients of information.

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