In your own words, distinguish between the three ways in which the courts may exercise their testing capacity.

Question: In your own words, distinguish between the three ways in which the courts may exercise their testing capacity

The three ways in which the courts may exercise their testing capacity are:

  • Formal testing: This is the most traditional form of judicial review. In formal testing, the court simply examines the law to see if it complies with the constitution. If the court finds that the law does not comply with the constitution, it will strike it down.
  • Substantive testing: This is a more recent form of judicial review. In substantive testing, the court not only examines the law to see if it complies with the constitution, but also considers the purpose of the law and its impact on individuals and society. If the court finds that the law is unconstitutional because it is unfair or unjust, it will strike it down.
  • Adaptive testing: This is a form of judicial review that is still evolving. In adaptive testing, the court considers the constitution and the law in light of the current social, economic, and political realities. The court may strike down a law that complies with the constitution on its face, but that is unfair or unjust in practice.

Here is a table that summarizes the three ways in which the courts may exercise their testing capacity:

ApproachFocusWhen used
Formal testingCompliance with the constitution on its faceWhen the law is clearly unconstitutional
Substantive testingCompliance with the constitution, purpose of the law, and impact on individuals and societyWhen the law is unfair or unjust, even if it complies with the constitution on its face
Adaptive testingConstitution, law, and current social, economic, and political realitiesWhen the law is unfair or unjust in practice, even if it complies with the constitution on its face

It is important to note that the courts do not always exercise their testing capacity in the same way. The approach that the court takes will depend on the specific case and the circumstances involved.


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